Sherry Kwok
B.A., B.Ed., AFCC

Coaching Style & Philosophy
As a Accredited Financial Counselor Canada and Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education member I am a proficient Financial Empowerment Coach, Educator, and Trainer.
✔ Financial Coaching – supported 350+ individuals and couples
✔ Financial Literacy Workshop Facilitation – 100+
✔ Financial Coaching Training development and facilitation
✔ Leading a Financial Coaching Community of Practice
✔ Supporting professional financial coaches develop their skills, knowledge and confidence.
My mission is to help 100,000 Canadians increase their financial wellness!
Sherry’s Story
Time passed and I was blessed with a position where I can fully embrace my fascination with personal finance. I had countless opportunities to grow and learn. I talked about financial literacy as a full time job! It was amazing! I had the privilege of facilitating financial literacy workshops and playing a pivotal role in the successful launch of their financial coaching program. It was an absolute joy to walk alongside individuals, helping them discover how their assets, both financial and personal, could be harnessed to support their dreams. I continued to thrive in my role and was humbled to be entrusted with training financial coaches and leading the vibrant financial coaching community in Calgary. Another incredible opportunity soon presented itself when I had the privilege of providing financial coaching to Canadians nationwide in partnership with a renowned national leader in the field of Financial Literacy.
Through my journey, I experienced a profound shift in my money mindset. I discovered the ability to rewrite my money scripts, ultimately redirecting the trajectory of my life. Now, my new money script is “Money is a tool that helps me live my best life”. This empowering belief fuels my pursuit of financial clarity, freedom and a value aligned life.
Having personally experienced the power of financial literacy, I am deeply committed to its importance. I currently reside in Calgary, Alberta with my husband and daughter. Together, we are diligently working towards achieving Financial Independence and Early Retirement (FIRE) by November 16, 2030. This goal serves as a driving force in our lives to motivate us to make sound financial decisions and secure a prosperous future!